
Taking of Offerings


Offerings are received at the Lord’s Table and in the Sunday school. We make no public appeals and the offering plate is not passed at any other meeting. We teach, in keeping with the Scriptures, that God’s people should be generous in their giving in support of the work of the Gospel; records are kept only for the purpose of issuing income tax receipts. We do not accept offerings designated for any ministries not regularly supported by the assembly, unless the Elders have determined that there is a special attention.

If you would like to offer, please come and join with us in Worship on Sundays or Contact Us to learn how to give and serve.

Contact Us for ways to give.

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❀︎ Volunteering & Compassion

We have a number of ongoing ministries, where you can join.

Ladies are invited to join our Ladies Group or volunteer for helping out with nursery duties and Sunday schools on Sundays. Young people are encouraged to join our Youth Group. Men are also requested in their free time to help out with the Boys Club.